A Letter to Jean in Honor of Alex Trebek
The wonderful Cheryl Farrell writes a letter to Jean in honor of Alex… with a unique perspective as a Jeopardy! Clue Crew Member and a lovely family connection is a beautiful read!
The wonderful Cheryl Farrell writes a letter to Jean in honor of Alex… with a unique perspective as a Jeopardy! Clue Crew Member and a lovely family connection is a beautiful read!
Jeans delicious roasted potatoes with oregano, garlic and lemon is a wonderful side dish that goes well with chicken and fish.
The Japanese Puffer Fish works tirelessly to create a beautiful piece of geometric art to attract a worthy mate… and what did you do on Valentine’s Day?
How do you define Honor & Integrity? Here is Amy McLaughlin-Margolis’ wonderful Honor and Integrity Inventory Questions in 9 Key Areas to help you explore your own values.
Our honor is measured by small and large experiences. From stealing a candy bar to weighing in on a jury. How do you measure up?
Honoring yourself is such an important choice to make… especially during these times. Dove Rose suggest ways to open up to your own beauty and friendship.
insidewink’s affirmations give a new perspective, a moment of insight, an invitation to pause and breathe.
Creating a Safe and Effective Caregiving Routine During COVID 19 starts with taking care of yourself! This is an all important article during the pandemic.
Jean’s delicious Tunnel of Fudge cake, originally a 1966 Betty Crocker Bake-Off competition winner, is one the Trebek’s family favorites!
Books are like old friends that have taken us on incredible adventures… Maddie Bowers talks about the future of reading as she gives away some precious books. The Good News? Millennials LOVE reading actual hardcovers!
February is the month of love and Jean and Alison take a moment to honor those that are compassionately helping others in the world.