insidewink’s editors monthly “share”
“We’ll See…”
Hello friends,
We pick themes many months in advance for insidewink so all our contributors have a chance to ruminate about their ideas for stories and interviews.
This month our theme was “acceptance”…. which is so challenging right now with all that is going on. Many things feel so painful to us. How can we find acceptance and what IS acceptance in moments like this?
We thought about changing the theme so not to appear “tone-deaf” to the world and national events. Then we thought… maybe thinking about and discussing acceptance right now is important.
Here is what came up for us:
Life shows up in unexpected ways. How we handle it and how events affect us is totally up to our hearts and minds.
Why does it seem easy for some people to move and groove with the flow of life and others of us are more challenged when events agitate our peace of mind? For us, it’s the idea of acceptance.
Right now it is very difficult to keep grounded. The idea of acceptance in moments like this is not about giving in or giving up. Instead we can embrace acceptance as a chance to absorb and integrate challenging moments… allowing us to move forward with conviction and understanding.
Acceptance is actually very powerful and a reflection of the strength of the human spirit. It is the ability to take action (or not) while also coming to grips with and allowing what is… Is it possible to accept an event and circumstance for what it is without judgement? Without labeling it good or bad?
The truth of human experience is that tragedies and triumphs are a part of it. Heartbreak and elation exist side by side… “acceptance” in no way minimizes that… and maybe being truthful with our feelings about a given experience is the acceptance… it’s the letting it be….
So, here is a short story originally from an old Chinese proverb about acceptance that has benefited us (this version is from Joel Runyon on Impossible):
Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years.
One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically, “you must be so sad.”
“We’ll see,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it two other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed! “Not only did your horse return, but you received two more. What great fortune you have!”
“We’ll see,” answered the farmer.
The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune. “Now your son cannot help you with your farming,” they said. “What terrible luck you have!”
“We’ll see,” replied the old farmer.
The following week, military officials came to the village to conscript young men into the army. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out. “Such great news. You must be so happy!”
The man smiled to himself and said once again.
“We’ll see,”
Here’s what’s happening on insidewink…
Dove Rose’s article explores how we can create more joy and fun withoin our lives RIGHT NOW! Play Like Your Life Depended On It…It Just Might
Our guest contributor, Cheryl Farrell, a corporate communicator responds to gun violence. Read this powerful story: Cue the Condolences: Matters of Race and Violence
Try Ann’s incredible, unique summer salad that’s packed with nutrients and tons of floavor. Roasted Cauliflower and Carrot Salad with Turmeric Tahini Vinaigrette Recipe
And, of course, more wonderful articles and personal stories too.
Much love,
Jean & Alison
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor’s dynamic and impactful video interview with Jean and Alison gives us REAL insights into the “characters” in our brain and how to explore this knowledge to attain inner peace.
Kathlene McGovern wraps up her two part series on Traveling with Your Pets
As summer approaches, it is useful to have a handful of go-to salads on file. With the ease of using a poached chicken breast, a quick dressing, and some staples in the pantry, this salad is one of our all-time favorites Curry Chicken Salad with Turkish Apricots and Pistachios
In Lasagna Love: A Second Serving, we take a second look at what is happening at Lasagna Love, the grassroots organization that serves up tasty food, support and community.

Jean is a Professional Religious Science Practitioner, Reiki Master and Sound Healer. She grew up on Long Island, NY, and now lives in Los Angeles. She has two wonderful adult children, Matthew and Emily, with her beloved late husband, Alex. Jean enjoys taking long walks, watching movies, and traveling. She is very grateful for her family, friends, Luna (the dog) and good coffee.

Alison Martin -- wife, mom, Emmy-award winning actress, writer, chocoholic. Bronx Italian, daughter of Pultizer Prize winning reporters, who also identifies as L.A. Irish. Shout outs: Dan, Em, Brady, pooches - LuLu & Ted, friends, Mother Earth, serendipity, peace, VIPHS, living life like your socks feel real good.
Connect With Us on Social Media!
Tips for Hitting the Road with Your Furry Friends
Part 1 of Kathlene McGovern’s 2 part series on the best and safest ways to travel with your furry friends!
I’m Just Curious
Dove Rose give us ideas on how to stay curious! Keep it Fresh in the Kitchen, on the Drive and in your Life. New ideas to keep our mind alive!
Living Unhoused for a Week: Ken Craft Takes to the Streets
Ken Craft of Hope of the Valley lives unhoused on the streets of the San Fernando Valley for 100 hours and shares the challenges, insights and struggles he faced on this journey.
Thank you, Jean. Your article brought home the significance of the Serenity Prayer. It also reminded me of the importance of accepting my brothers and sisters where they are on their journey through this Life. After all, we are all One and we don’t get Home alone. Namaste
Hi sweet friend,
Thank YOU for posting a comment and for being a beautiful Light of Love in our world.
Many Blessings….always.