The Courage To Live
Jeanette DuBois’ heartfelt, powerful story shares a range of emotions and thoughts surrounding the ideas of life, death and the courage it takes to face both.
Jeanette DuBois’ heartfelt, powerful story shares a range of emotions and thoughts surrounding the ideas of life, death and the courage it takes to face both.
In her powerful personal story, guest contributor Cheryl Farrell defines courage as the answer to a calling or as she so adeptly puts it “Courage found me.”
Our holiday Gift Guide features companies and products that we use, love and that are passion projects for the creators. Take a look at these wonderful products from OUR PLACE, BEE DELIGHTFUL, CAESURA, 12EC VINEYARDS, SKYLAR, ANNIE’S GINGER ELIXIR, and 3RD EYE CACAO. They are perfect for gifts!!
The extraordinary Lee Harris talks with Jean and Alison about his sensitive, intuitive communications with the Z’s. Allow yourself to sit back and enjoy Lee!
Jean has read and followed A Course In Miracles for many years. Today she shares a video on COURAGE based on the book.
Jean revisits World Vision’s Kenya Big Dream and we feature a powerful , award winning short film from World Vision called “Messania’s Story”
Vinnie Sassone and Steve Turley share with us their passion for making wine at their new winery 12 EC Vineyard.
Kate Fuglei offers stories of different people expressing all kinds of courage, including a personal glimpse into her son’s own bravery.
Jean and Alison address the courage it takes to live our brightest, truest, most authentic lives! Have Courage and Shine On!