How one woman is taking steps to start making the change to help our planet

Our everyday hero, Lisa Rogers, is a prominent and accomplished eating disorder therapist here in Los Angeles, so when she suggested that she write a column for insidewink on becoming plastic-free, we were surprised… but after thinking about it, it’s not surprising at all. Lisa is one of those people that is always trying to better herself, to help others and the environment.

Right now might be a good time to start this journey since we are all spending so much time at home. It could be the moment to assess our plastic use and make some changes.

We have known Lisa Rogers for years. Her son and Alison’s are best friends and the three of us have shared many beautiful times together.

Let’s meet our everyday hero, Lisa Rogers …

What inspired you to work towards plastic-free living?

Not sure I consider myself any kind of hero except that these times call on all of us to try and step up for the sake of our children’s future.

Every day we see images of floating piles of plastic in the ocean the size of Texas, photos of animals and wildlife drowning in our non-biodegradable garbage as well as articles about the all the tiny plastics we are ingesting every day, doing God knows what to our health.

I knew with a young daughter still at home and a son off at college with their whole lives ahead of them that I wanted to decrease my plastic footprint and to be an example of an active concerned environmentalist taking care of my part of the world in any small way that I can.

Let’s just tackle it together…One piece at a time

Was it hard to change your plastic-use habits?

I knew it wouldn’t be easy when I remembered it took me an entire year before I reliably brought my re-usable bags into the grocery store. Somehow that learning curve of routinely getting them out of the trunk and into the store and then routinely putting them back in the car after unloading my groceries was just a tad too much of a learning curve for my habituated behavior to shift.

And then, after finally buying a re-usable Starbucks cup for my daily addiction, it again took nearly another year before I got used to rinsing it out and remembering to bring it back to my car.

Making these new habits stick and the small amount of labor to stop relying on the convenience of one-use plastic is apparently quite difficult, even for someone like myself who really does care about the environment. We are all habituated to this convenience of plastic and it is tough to change.

Is it easier to do it small steps, or all at once when deciding to go plastic-free?

I’m glad that I have begun this process. I know there are people who do it in one fell swoop. They go to the “living plastic-free” websites and do a complete overhaul on their entire lives overnight and I am truly in awe, but most people don’t find it that easy. My goal is to tackle this one piece at a time – month to month. And I hope that sharing my struggles will hold me accountable and help anyone who wants to go on this journey with me.

I know I am not alone. There are many of us out there feeling guilty and concerned about our dependency on plastic.”

—Lisa Rogers

How can our readers get involved?

Look around your home… there are so many areas to tackle. The kitchen with all the Ziplocs and packaging of food and throw away containers. There’s the bathroom with all the shampoos, conditioners, soaps and mouthwash bottles. There’s the laundry with those large plastic bottles of detergent and the cabinet under the sink full of plastic bottles of cleaning products. The list goes on forever it seems and although we put all of these one-use plastics in our recycling bins, the sad truth is that most of it goes un-recycled in overwhelmed recycling plants.

So, I would love it if the readers would go on this journey with me.. Let’s just tackle it together.
Starting next month I hope to share how I hopefully manage to replace all the various plastics in my home and the products and ideas I find to make that happen, one month at a time.

Lisa Rogers has been practicing as a psychotherapist specializing in eating disorders and addictions here in Los Angeles for the past twenty years . Prior to working exclusively in private practice, she had worked on numerous psychiatric units and rehabs for both addictions and eating disorders. She is originally from the east coast and has worked as a therapist for a number of years at Berklee College of Music. It has always been a good fit for her to work with artists of all kinds as her early life was mostly in music and theater. Lisa lived in Europe for a while in her twenty’s singing jazz but returned to school when she was twenty seven to become a therapist and has never looked back.

Watch for Lisa’s article next month when she gets rid of her one-time-use plastic bags!


Jean is a Professional Religious Science Practitioner, Reiki Master and Sound Healer. She grew up on Long Island, NY, and now lives in Los Angeles. She has two wonderful adult children, Matthew and Emily, with her beloved late husband, Alex.  Jean enjoys taking long walks, watching movies, and traveling. She is very grateful for her family, friends, Luna (the dog) and good coffee.

“I started this library to help every person feel important”

One of the best things in the world is the knowledge that you are not alone—Read Brennan’s story Here

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I’m Just Curious

I’m Just Curious

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