In these days of social distancing, one takes a long hard look at oneself in the mirror and then turns on the television.
I’m not going to lie. I don’t know what’s going on. I swear I’m not a reality TV show sorta person but I’m hooked on these international shows and I can’t seem to stop.
This month’s streaming theme is Short Term Rental’s and I have two shows to share. Today I share Part One of my Short Term Rental’s articles. (Look for Part 2 coming on April 6.)
The show is hosted by Genevieve Gorder and Peter Lorimer. Some of you might know Genevieve Gorder from the hit TV show Trading Spaces. Often known as simply, Genevieve, she is an interior designer and on television, she is known for helping homeowners spruce up their homes. I don’t know much about Peter Lorimer, but apparently he is a real estate broker, with a deep entrepreneurial spirit.
The premise of the show is that Genevieve and Peter travel around the country helping people who run short term rentals (think AirBNB, HomeAway/VRBO, SHORTTERMHOUSING.COM) to not only spruce up their rental properties but then also give them tips and ideas about how to market their properties to their fullest potential.

I find the locations fun and inspiring.
You’ve probably picked up from the previous Streaming article that I love TV and I love to travel. Seeing the locations makes me want to get out of the house and experience the world. I don’t want to give too much away but Stay Here takes you to the Pacific Northwest to watch a Houseboat renovation, to New York City and an amazing brownstone, to a California Winery, and even a Washington, D.C. historic firehouse.
This endearing show makes the locations as special as the hosts. It’s wonderful to see the local culture of each location as well as the super nice people who own the properties. The producers of the show do a great job giving you a back story of each of the owners, their families, why they need the properties to be financially successful. These aren’t just greedy capitalists trying to make a quick buck, they are real people with real hopes and dreams.
The show is crafted in such a way to make you want to cheer and encourage them.
When you watch the show you want the properties to be financially successful. However, it doesn’t end with the people. Again, the locations become characters in the show’s stories. We get a glimpse of life on a houseboat in Seattle, we get to visit an authentic bagel shop in Brooklyn, New York, we learn about a Fire Brigade made up exclusively of African Americans in Washington DC. These are the stories that make the show tug on your heartstrings and compel you to want to watch more.
This show is suitable for:
All Ages
I describe the show as:
Entertaining and Informative
The nature of the show is:

Former Captain of a fictious submarine, he likes to talk about Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, and his Type 181 Volkswagon Thing. He can often be found playing X Box with his kids or camping at the beach with his family. Steve will often say things like “it’s the people that matter” and “what type of ice cream do you have?” Generally happiest around people with a camera in his hand.

“Restaurants on the Edge is my new guilty pleasure”
The show creates the feeling that you are one of the members of the cast and that you are along for the journey and that step by step you are helping by simply watching.
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