La Dolce Vita

La Dolce Vita

Taking a moment to stop and enjoy the simple pleasures that life offers is the offering of Kate Fuglei’s lovely, inspiring story.

Learning to Listen

Learning to Listen

We learn to listen through Family, Teachers and Friends. As Kate Fuglei shares with us, each “arena” gives a us new perspective on hearing with an open heart.

The Pull Of Whopperland

The Pull Of Whopperland

Kate Fuglei asks us – “How do we navigate between saving face and telling the truth?” This is the Pull of Whopperland – the moment you don’t know which to do…

Moments of Vulnerability

Moments of Vulnerability

Exposure When I first moved to New York as a young actress, I was offered a job understudying a Broadway diva for a production in Washington, D.C.  I was thrilled and intimidated.  I was comforted when I met her on the first day and she reassured me that she never...

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